BioLabs Marketplace
BioLabs utilizes Marketplace, an online premium procurement purchasing platform,
to help manage all purchases coming into every BioLabs space.
Per each company’s signed agreement, all orders must be placed
through Marketplace when delivered to our BioLabs location(s).
Upon moving into BioLabs, a new company purchasing profile will be activated so long as BioLabs is provided the appropriate documentation (ACH Form of your Master Service Agreement) and time (1-2 business days) to set up an account.
New accounts are set up by the site director during the onboarding process.
Individuals will then need to sign up after that is done to complete a training start placing orders.
In order to sign up for training on how to use Marketplace,
please email the Marketplace Team or the Contact Us form below.
Email the Marketplace Team
Need to add a new user, additional training, expedite an order? Our dedicated team is here for anything you need!
Access Marketplace
Click here to access the login page for Marketplace.
Marketplace Welcome Packet
Review everything about Marketplace from a brief introduction, step-by-step videos, and FAQs.
Graduating Soon?
Once you graduate from your BioLabs resident space,
you can still use BioLabs Marketplace as your procurement platform!
Graduating and moving into a brand-new space takes a lot of time and effort and setting up your own procurement department can take up to 6 months alone.
Staying with Marketplace allows you to focus on your plans for scientific achievement in your new space without the effort of setting up a new procurement department.
Email gomarketplace@biolabs.io
to learn more about using Marketplace at your new location!